3.2mil hectares of natural forest at risk of deforestation, says watchdog

About 3.2 million hectares of forest – an area almost the size of Pahang – is at risk of deforestation, an environmental group has warned.

In a statement, RimbaWatch said this area represents 16% of Malaysia’s remaining forest cover. “If this deforestation happens, Malaysia’s forest cover will fall below 50% of our land, which will be a failure in Malaysia’s commitment to maintain 50% forest cover,” he said.

He also said that according to the annual ‘State of Malaysia’s Rainforest’ report, 2.4 million hectares – equivalent to the size of Johor and Negeri Sembilan combined – are threatened. Other deforestation threats come from electricity projects, deforestation and palm oil, RimbaWatch added.

He said that although the state authorities have encouraged planting trees as a way to “restore” the damaged forests and reduce the pressure on the forests, only 38 percent of the forests that are under the control of trees are being destroyed. The majority – 62% – are classified as “disturbed forests,” according to the European Union’s forest dataset, RimbaWatch said.

“This means that the trees that are planted are the main thing that happens in the forest, not a way to reduce it. »

RimbaWatch said deforestation would be a major contributor to emissions and, based on its calculations, clearing 2.4 million hectares of crops alone would release 368 million tons of CO2. He says, “This is equivalent to a year’s worth of UK CO2 emissions.

The report also criticized the lack of transparency in government data, saying that the forest plantation agreement map was outdated and that the government did not publish data such as the oil palm map. “RimbaWatch urgently calls, based on these findings, for an immediate end to all conversion of forests to trees.

Private tutoring companies have continued to grow because parents do not want their children to fall behind in their studies.

Some parents also say that they do not have confidence in the national education system, because of the lack of attention their children receive from their teachers. In addition, the increase in the study online as a AlVi-19 says “Self-care” of parents think that they need them.

Peter Lim, the shower member in the kotio navigation, suggested that there will be an increase for students since the beginning of a new school. “We are looking to host 90 to 110 students,” he told FMT, adding that the center was hosting 170 to 180 children before the pandemic.

He attributed the increase in enrollment in tutoring schools to parents’ preference for physical education classes rather than allowing their children to study on their own. “Many parents have noticed that when their children are at home, they are not paying attention (to their studies),” he said.

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Magheswaran. R Magheswaran, a tutor in Penang, said the evolution of online classes through platforms such as Zoom and Microsoft Learning meant that parents would not have to travel far to send their children for tutoring classes.

“There’s a more personal touch from the one-on-one interactions between students and their teachers,” he said. Magheswaran said parents often rely on tutors to teach their children more than school teachers because of the “focused attention” they receive.

He said tutoring schools provide “structured support” that schools cannot provide because of their overcrowded classrooms and limited funding. Parents’ thoughts

Many parents who send their children to class said they lack confidence in the national education system, while others admitted they have “mixed feelings” about education policies.

Muhammad Rabbani said that although many teachers are dedicated, “some weaknesses” affect him. He said his children were not getting the individual attention they need at school to be able to excel academically, prompting him to enroll them in tuition centers for a “learning experience more personalized.”

Lim Chung Wei expressed mixed feelings about the education system. “I appreciate a hard work by some teachers, but there is an emotion of feeling affected some of my child’s learning experience. Sometimes my child has trouble I didn’t come to time. ” J Ruban also criticizes the educational system. “From overcrowded classrooms to outdated teaching methods, I feel like my child’s potential is being stifled,” she said. He did not blame the situation solely on the teachers, saying that they may be overwhelmed by their work and unable to meet the individual learning needs of their students.

As such, he says, this makes the school an important factor in ensuring that his child has academic success. Janet Tan disagrees, saying that Malaysia’s education system, “like any other system”, has its strengths and weaknesses.

Although she still sends her daughter to class, she said it’s more about giving her the best support and resources to excel academically, rather than addressing perceived gaps in the school system. She said, “While I respect the efforts of the teachers, I feel that this school provides the best opportunity for my child to learn.

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