Israeli attack on Rafah tent camp kills 45, prompts global outcry

An Israeli airstrike sparked a massive fire, killing 45 people at a tent camp in Gaza’s Rafah, officials said today, prompting protests from world leaders who called for the enforcement of a World Court ruling to end Israeli attacks. .

In familiar scenes from the war now in its eighth month, Palestinian families rushed to hospitals to prepare their dead for burial after the previous night’s killings blew up tents and fire shelters. The women shouted that the men praying on the side of the body and the body.

Israel has been burned throughout the entire rafana and no one does anywhere. Israeli tanks continued to shell the eastern and central part of the city in southern Gaza today, killing eight people, local health officials said.

The Israeli military said the airstrikes, based on “reliable intelligence,” had eliminated Hamas’s military commander for the second and largest Palestinian territory, the West Bank, as well as another operative responsible for attacks against Israelis. Earlier yesterday, he said eight rockets were intercepted after they were fired in Rafah area. A minister said this showed the importance of continuing to work against Hamas. But a military war is called “air” air “and say that analysis is analysis.

“FDI soldiers (Israel ‘army causes damage to the soldiers’ not soldiers. The attack took place in the Tel Al-Sultan area, where thousands of people fled after the Israeli army attacked the eastern Rafah area more than two weeks ago.

More than half of the dead were women, children and the elderly, health officials in Gaza-ruled Hamas said, adding that the death toll could rise as more people were caught in the fire. in a dangerous situation and a big fire. Israel continued its attacks on Rafah despite Friday’s ruling by the U.N.’s highest court ordering them to stop, arguing that the court’s decision gave it permission to wage war there.

French President Emmanuel Macron said he was outraged by the latest Israeli attack. “These activities must stop. There is no shelter in Rafah for Palestinian civilians,” he said in X.

Germany’s foreign minister Annalena Baerbock and the EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said the International Court of Justice ruling must be respected. “International humanitarian law applies for all, also for Israel’s conduct of the war,” Baerbock said. There is no safe zone

During the day, the camp was a jumble of tents, twisted metal, and smoldering embers.

Next to the bodies of his relatives, Abed Mohammed Al-Attar said that Israel lied when they told the residents that they would be safe in the western area of ​​Rafah. The fire killed his brother, sister-in-law and many of his relatives.

“The army is a liar. There is no security in Gaza. There is no security, whether it is for a child, or an old man or woman. Look at him (my brother) and his wife, they were killed for faith,” he said.

What did they do to deserve this? Their children are orphans.

Hospitals in Rafah, including the International Committee of the Red Cross field hospital, cannot care for all the injured. So some were transferred to a hospital in Khan Younis, further north in Gaza, for treatment, doctors said.

The United Nations Office for Palestine Refugees in the Near East says the situation is dire. “Gaza is hell on earth. The images from last night are another proof of this,” UNRWA wrote in X. More than 36,000 Palestinians were killed during the Israeli offensive, according to the Gaza health ministry. Israel launched the operation after Hamas-led terrorist attacks on towns in southern Israel on October 7, killing about 1,200 people and holding more than 250 hostages, according to Israeli statistics. Israel says he wants to eliminate the fight for the fight Hamas fell on the rafah and the guests he says to say that it is being done in the area.

But he is facing all the world for leaving the normal life. “In addition to the famine, the refusal to grant full aid, what we saw last night was a crime,” Irish Foreign Minister Michael Martin said.

Egypt has condemned the “deliberate massacre of displaced persons’ tents” by Israeli forces, state media said, calling it a total violation of international law. Saudi Arabia condemned Israel’s attack and Qatar said the Rafah attack could hinder mediation efforts for a ceasefire and a custody exchange.

Israeli tanks have been patrolling the outskirts of Rafah, near Gaza crossing Egypt, since May 6 and entered some of its eastern areas.

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